All Vows
Christ the Lord, has said that all swearing of vows, with no exceptions whatsoever, is of evil. This has many ramifications.
What's the Point?
Some excellent thought on our purposes and His.
Who is the Messiah?
Quintessential writing in Christ the Lord, highly educational for all, including but not limited to Muslims, Jews, and people of Christ.
The author must stay anonymous in order to dodge some who would do evil against us.
Reasons for Hope* Jesus
a site with some great reading.
Excellent resources of many sorts, including discussion, readings, and podcasts,
on our favorite topics
Christian Forums
An extraordinarily well-run forum for people of Christ and those who wish to ask questions
Christians Unite
Many different web sites under one umbrella, lots of excellent resources here
a website of courses and resources dedicated to empowering churches and ministries.
Facilitating the Lord's mission online since 1994.
Christian Churches Together in the USA
National Association of Evangelicals
Council on Christian Unity
the ecumenical office of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Ethnic Harvest
Resources for multicultural ministry
Free at Last--Christian Racial Reconciliation
Christian Unity and the Role of Authority
by I. Shawn McElhinney, from a Roman Catholic perspective
Holy Spirit Interactive
another Roman Catholic approach to unity
Christian Leadership Center
resources for growing Christians
Christian Regeneration
concerning healing and recovery
Bible Doors
Bible studies for readers new to the Bible
Christ Only
Calvinist, dispensationalist theology
Grace Incarnate
essays and sermons by a United Methodist theologian
Dean and Laura Van Druff's Articles and Humor
The Oberlin Statement: Christian Unity as Viewed by the Orthodox Church
Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity
Place of Repentance
by Ian Johnson, original creator of this web site