Further Reading Toward Oneness In Christ

These works are listed in alphabetical order. It is not possible to list them according to importance without knowing the needs and interests of the reader. Each is a unique work and makes an unduplicated contribution.

Ecumenical Faith In Evangelical Perspective, 1993, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Michigan; ISBN 0-8028-0668-6 (230 pages). "Gabriel Fackre, professor of Christian theology at Andover Newton Theological School (Newton Centre, Massachusetts) and author of seventeen books including a developing, multivolume pastoral systematics titled The Christian Story. This book ... has a missionary purpose. It aims to demonstrate to Ecumenicals what they are missing in Evangelicals, and to show to Evangelicals that Ecumenicals have not completely overlooked or failed to engage Evangelicals." - Gabriel Fackre (from the introduction). "This effort is by an 'evangelical Ecumenical' speaking primarily to his own, but also to 'ecumenical Evangelicals' and it works toward bridging one of the major chasms in Christendom. Even those that do not consider it possible for these two 'tribes' to speak with one another can gain insight from this work." - L. Stephens

Evangelical Reunion, Denominations and the Body of Christ, 1991, Baker Book House Co., Grand Rapids, Michigan; ISBN 0-8010-3560-0 (185 pages). John M. Frame, author, Church elder experienced in negotiating for denominational mergers, and associate professor of apologetics and systematic theology at Westminster Theological Seminary (West Escondido, California.) Frame leaves his usual role to issue a prophetic call against the prevailing sectarianism among Christians. "The trend to build barriers between Christians can be reversed, insists Frame; Jesus came to tear down those barriers. This book offers guidelines to work for a spirit that takes seriously the one mission in the one church: to advance Christ's one kingdom." - from the book cover. "This is the most personally reflective work of any in this bibliography and most examples are from a relatively narrow segment of Christendom. Paradoxically, this is a voice from a seemingly very fractious wilderness and the author's expectations for union may be found daunting, but this work brings the most clarion cry against sectarianism and provides an abundance of practical steps that can be undertaken." - L. Stephens

Mysticism, An Evangelical Option?, 1991, Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Michigan; ISBN 0-310-52901-8 (150 pages). Winfried Corduan, author and professor of philosophy and religion at Taylor University (Upland, Indiana.) "This book takes a careful look at the philosophical and theological questions involved and attempts to locate a modest place for mysticism within a genuine evangelical framework ... this New Testament mysticism describes an integral part of biblical spirituality," - from the book cover. "The author addresses a different kind of gap in the Church, one which can run through a local congregation, be found in any denomination and be so wide that some will fear to even acknowledge that it exists. This is not casual reading, but contributes to speaking to all forms of diversity in the Body of Christ." - L. Stephens

No Salvation Outside the Church? A Critical Inquiry, 1993, by Molly Truman Marshall, Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston, NY, ISBN 0-7734-2854-2. Ms. Marshall's doctoral dissertation. Analyzes various views taken of Cyprian's maxim within the modern Christian community, with particular emphasis on the writings of Emil Brunner, Karl Rahner and John Hick. Also contains a good history of the history of the maxim and of the development of thought on the issue of the possibility of salvation outside the Church, whether that is defined as the Body of Christ or as a visible human organization. The focus of this text is on the application of these concepts to members of other world religions in a pluralistic modern society, but much of what is said also has obvious application to denominational divisions within the Christian community.-- I. Johnson.

One Lord, One Faith: A Theology For Cross-Denominational Renewal, 1993, Victor Books/SP Publications, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois; ISBN 1-56476-076-6 (408 pages). Rex A. Koivisto (California State University, Hayward; Western Conservative Baptist Seminary; Dallas Theological Seminary), chairman of the Bible and Theology Department at Multnomah School of the Bible (Portland, Oregon.) "Koivisto argues that a return to historic catholicity involves affirming both the unity of the church around a core of orthodoxy and allowing diversity spawned by conviction and conscience...The author concludes his appeal in a practical way by stating that recapturing a sense of catholicity can come through returning to the idea of the city-church...This ... will go far to strengthening the impact of the church and demonstrating a visible unity within today's ambivalent or even hostile climate." - from the book jacket. "This work primarily anticipates developing unity among Evangelicals but provides for unity among all true Christians whether they identify with any denomination or none at all. Koivisto examines each of his considerations with exemplary thoroughness." - L. Stephens

Our Common Oneness, A Study in the Book of Romans, 1994, Ministry Publications, Scottsdale, Arizona; ISBN 0-914271-58-X (284 pages). "Bill Freeman has ministered the Word for over forty years in California, Washington, and Arizona. He is the editor of a monthly publication, The Christian, and founder of Ministry of the Word, Inc., a ministry serving the Body of Christ through publications, the Internet, and conferences. Bill is a graduate of Fuller Theological Seminary and has written over forty books, booklets, and outline studies on the believer's experience of Christ in daily life and its practical relationship to the church." "What ultimately led to giving the messages contained in this book was the burden to see afresh what the major factors of oneness were among the saints in the New Testament. This burden crystallized by searching out the answers to several questions: Why did Paul write Romans? What was his purpose and motive in writing? What situation was Paul addressing in Rome? What was he seeking to establish among the different groups of saints in that city?" - Bill Freeman (from the preface). "Though primarily focused on Romans, this work explores evidence throughout the New Testament on how believers are related to one another. It also addresses the long history of the Church and the 'abuse of the Ground of Oneness'. Written from a pastoral perspective, this teaching can be readily applied in our daily lives. If you desire to know our oneness, your heart will rejoice over this book." - L. Stephens

Reclaiming The Great Tradition: Evangelicals, Catholics & Orthodox In Dialogue, 1997, InterVarsity Press, Downers Grove, Illinois; ISBN 0-8308-1889-8 (214 pages). Edited by James S. Cutsinger, associate professor of theology and religious thought at the University of Southern Carolina. "The contributors to this volume believe they hold nothing less in common than the Great Tradition -- such elemental truths as the Trinity and the divinity (as well as humanity) of Christ, articulated in the ancient ecumenical creeds. Their essays probe what it would mean for Christians from different traditions to affirm together this Great Tradition. But they also tough-mindedly explore the real points of tension between Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox." - from the book cover. "The fourteen contributors to this volume are highly-esteemed academicians and clerics. This is the 'High Church' grappling with 'how those deeply committed to differing theological perspectives can help each other in defending and communicating their common faith.' At least some in each city-church should try to keep abreast of what efforts are being made in the 'high church' arena. Positive efforts such as the one represented by this volume contribute to the local effort to 'work out our unity with fear and trembling.' Of particular interest to our focus on oneness is the work of Kallistos Ware on the Trinity." - L. Stephens

That All May Be One: Perceptions and Models of Ecumenicity, 1999, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Michigan; ISBN 0-8028-4348-4 (156 pages). William G. Rusch, translator Harding Meyer, (retired) research professor & director of the Institute for Ecumenical Research (Strasbourg, France.) "An ordered and comprehensive study of how recent generations of ecumenists -- and the ecclesial communities of which they are a part -- have perceived unity, including its purpose, expression, and form... A judicious analysis of the understandings of unity and the models of unity that have informed ecumenical dialogue throughout this century... Essential reading for all those involved in contemporary ecumenical dialogue." from the book cover. "We have long been able to study the historical struggle in the branching of Christianity. There is now a substantial history of the struggle to realize a visible unity among those who profess Christ. This work serves as a primer on that history and enables the reader to find their own place in the drama." - L. Stephens