Footsteps and a Jagged Rut in the Sand

One day, I dreamed with the Lord.

He reminded me of many different things in my lifetimes.

In all of them, there were footprints in the sand, and more.

Sometimes there were two sets of footprints;

Sometimes there was just one set;

but there was always a jagged rut, alongside.

I thought this was very odd,

because although I recognized miracles

in which He carried me through,

I did not understand the jagged rut.

So I said to the Lord,

“What is the deal?”

The Lord replied,

“Sometimes you walk where I need you.

Sometimes you fall, and I carry you.

And always I drag you to where you need to be,

Making things happen which you can not prefer,

not for pleasure,

but so that you will have future.”